We are Millrace Cohousing.
We are a cooperative neighborhood in northern Indiana. We live intentionally as a cohousing community characterized by: Active participation. Self-governance. Consensus decision-making. Private homes. Common Spaces. Shared values. Regular fellowship. We strive to be hospitable, generous and caring.
Our motivations for joining this community are many. We value its location, the smaller footprint, a shared commitment to living in an environmentally conscious way, the ability to age-in-place and personal relationships.
We are retirees, healthcare workers, dog owners, musicians, grandparents, gardeners, bibliophiles, bicyclists, community volunteers, birders, empty nesters, walkers, travelers and nature enthusiasts.
We are neighbors!

What is Cohousing?
Cohousing is people living together in neighborhoods designated for community interaction and personal privacy.
...I think loneliness becomes a major driver of all kinds of illness. And here, when we learned about this community starting to form, we go "ah", that's the antidote...to throw our lot in with people who are trying to be good neighbors to each other and learn what that is.
Millrace Cohousing Member

It's just learning to work together like you need to do in any kind of a setting where there are multiple people trying to run some kind of an endeavor, and it takes some goodwill and some flexibility on everybody's part, but at least, in my opinion, the rewards are certainly way more than the challenges.
Millrace Cohousing Member